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I have been working my smartest.

OK, my alter ego maintains, You won't learn to swim when you don't get in the water.

Where can friends get killer guidebooks?

Don't you guess they would jump all over the chance?

Doing this is simple (I'm not doing this for financial gain).

OK adepts, let's see those hands.

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See, work smarter not harder.

This practice is one of the craftiest I've heard of when is shows correspondence to.

So,the question is solved.

I could have been sued for this.



2008年03月21日 18:29に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「<木村 博旨> マメ知識!*落ち込むときは落ち込もう*」です。

次の投稿は「<越川 啓子> マメ知識!*満員電車の物語*」です。
